Image Purchase
Art Prints
Digital Image Files

KISS, color on canvas 24x48

Prints are available as Fine Art Prints, Canvas mounted on wood frame, or printed on Metal.

Canvas Prints

Canvas Prints are printed using Giclee image printing technology printed on Professional grade bright white, poly-cotton canvas. The poly-cotton weave provides more resistance to humidity and shrinkage over time. The acid free coating offers improved ink saturation and better contrast over most regular canvases. Media thickness is 21 mil and coated with UV coating for archival results.
Photos printed on canvas are gallery wrapped on 1 1/2" stretcher bars and UV coated for long durability. Canvas prints usually do not have a border therefore the image takes up the complete front surface, making for a striking display item especially in black and white. Sides have optional black, white or wrapped image. Canvas print also have a new option of floating frames which have a 3.8“ space between the sides of the image and the frame. All Canvas prints framed and unframed arrive ready to hang.

About Giclée prints

The term "giclee print" connotes an elevation in printmaking technology. Images are generated from high resolution digital scans and printed with archival quality inks onto various substrates including canvas, fine art, and photo-base paper. The giclee printing process provides better color accuracy than other means of reproduction. Modern technology printers are capable of producing incredibly detailed prints for both the fine art and photographic markets.The quality of the giclee print rivals traditional silver-halide and gelatin printing processes and is commonly found in museums and art galleries. Numerous examples of giclee prints can be found in every major museum and art gallery.Giclee prints are the most beautiful and accurate art reproductions that have ever been made; and now, using recently developed archival inks and papers, they are also among the most archival. Independent testing by Wilhelm Imaging Research Inc., a world-leader in image-longevity testing, has established that Giclee prints made with the very finest 100 lb. semi-gloss archival paper and archival pigmented-inks will last as long as 200 years before any noticeable shift in color integrity occurs. They are truly museum-quality Fine-Art reproductions.

Silver Gelatin prints from digital.

These are true black and white fiber prints, silver gelatin, from digital image files. Fiber paper is exposed by a special laser enlarger and processed through traditional black and white chemistry. Fiber prints have always been the choice of collectors and now true Archival Black and White prints are available from classic images that have been digitally restored. Digital fiber allows for excellent large images as long as the original is of sufficient sharpness and quality. Prints will be signed and numbered by the photographer at the bottom border of the print.


ZZ Top square canvas print, 24x24

David Bowie Triptych, 3 - 18x36 prints on canvas

Contact the photographer for your specific image requirements: type of image - standard print, canvas, metal, digital image files (same day for most images), and pricing. email the photographer at

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Framed Prints may be matted

Floating frame with canvas print

Gallery Wrap Options for Canvas Prints

Contact the photographer.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All images on this site (C) Copyright M Julian Baum. It is a violation of Title 17 US Code, to modify, enhance or reproduce these images without express consent of the copyright holder. These images are in no way to be made available for publication or public dissemination for print, broadcast or electronic media. Contact the photographer for usage authorization.